MAAS (Match, Attach and Sustain) develops new methods and upskills Europe’s Job Brokers. It does so to enhance and tailor their information, advice and guidance services, with an urgent emphasis on being able to better support Ukranian refugees and other job seekers in immediate need. MAAS does so with a sectoral focus too responding to the employment and career opportunities that are increasingly available in Europe’s Tourism sector, as it emerges from the Covid-19 Pandemic.
MAAS partners will design and apply new counselling methods and digitally enhanced techniques and approaches for those involved in the design, management and implementation of job brokerage services (information, advice, guidance to achieve job matching and sustained employment) for job seekers in Tourism. It develops a new transnational community of practice, informed ‘bottom up’ by action learning groups that, in turn, benefit ‘top down’ from new methods and tools.
MAAS generates novel, intangible and tangible results. supporting the resilience, inclusion and economic independence of Ukrainian refugees displaced by the war, addressing skills shortages in Tourism. It creates a new Cooperation Partnership to support Ukraine; a networked, coproducing online practice community of job brokers immediately sharing know how, methods and techniques; and concrete new ‘Match, Attach & Sustain’ Methods, a digital, multilingual eTracking tool and a Guidance Toolkit.